# # $Id: 3D plot of performance # # Processes files that were created by Generate_Graphs # and displays the results. Also, saves a postscript copy. # # Don Capps dirs = "write rewrite read reread randread randwrite bkwdread recrewrite strideread fwrite frewrite fread freread" titles = "Write ReWrite Read Reread Random_read Random_write Read_Backwards Record_rewrite Stride_read Fwrite Frewrite Fread Freread" file(n) = sprintf("%s/iozone_gen_out.gnuplot", word(dirs,n)) outfile(n) = sprintf("%s/%s.ps", word(dirs,n), word(dirs,n)) title(n) = word(titles,n) set title "Iozone performance" set grid lt 2 lw 1 set surface set parametric set xtics set ytics set logscale x 2 set logscale y 2 set xlabel "File size in 2^n KBytes" set ylabel "Record size in 2^n Kbytes" set zlabel "Kbytes/sec" set style data lines set dgrid3d 80,80,3 i = 1 set terminal x11 set output splot file(i) title title(i) pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 2 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 3 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 4 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 5 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 6 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 7 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 8 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 9 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 10 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 11 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 12 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot i = 13 set terminal x11 set output replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set terminal postscript color set output outfile(i) replot