# # This script will create the Iozone graphs using # gnuplot. # # # # ------------------------------------------------ # YOU MUST PROVIDE A FILE NAME FOR IT TO PROCESS. # This filename is the name of the file where you # sent Iozone's output. # ------------------------------------------------ # Generate data base for all of the operation types. ./gengnuplot.sh $1 write ./gengnuplot.sh $1 rewrite ./gengnuplot.sh $1 read ./gengnuplot.sh $1 reread ./gengnuplot.sh $1 randread ./gengnuplot.sh $1 randwrite ./gengnuplot.sh $1 bkwdread ./gengnuplot.sh $1 recrewrite ./gengnuplot.sh $1 strideread ./gengnuplot.sh $1 fwrite ./gengnuplot.sh $1 frewrite ./gengnuplot.sh $1 fread ./gengnuplot.sh $1 freread # Produce graphs and postscript results. gnuplot gnu3d.dem